Overview: Data and Analysis

Overview: Data and Analysis

At the core of computing lies data and analysis. The earliest computers were designed to handle repeated calculations.

According to Virginia Computer Science SOL Introduction, “Data and Analysis involves the data that exist and the Data Analysis that exist to process that data. The amount of digital data generated in the world is rapidly expanding, so the need to process data effectively is increasingly important. Data is collected and stored so that it can be analyzed to better understand the world and make more accurate predictions.”

Big Ideas-Why do students need Data and Analysis?
  1. Learning to analyze trends across data sets
  2. Using computing devices to generate data faster and more efficient calculations
  3. Data aggregations
  4. Life skill-students need to understand their data is collected and combined in ways most people are not aware of. Students need  to understand 

Analog vs digital

Encoding is changing information from one form of information into another.  Writing letters to represent sounds and words is a form of encoding, just like elevator buttons represent the floors of a building. All of the information that a computer stores and processes, from videos to data about hurricanes, is encoded in binary,

Digitization is the process of encoding information so that it can be processed by a computer. Computer input devices capture information from the world around us and encode it. So a camera translates pictures, microphone translates sounds and an MRI translates internal body structures into data a computer stores and processes.

One example of encoded data in a computer is the ASCII Chart. It sets the rules for how letters are stored in the computer.


  1. Book: Big Data by Kenneth Cukier and Viktor Mayer-Schonberger

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